Thursday, January 24, 2019

Not For Competition

While my beading supplies were handy, I thought I'd try out an idea I've been contemplating for some time. I came across this cross stitch pattern on Pinterest and wondered if I could use it for bead knitting:
I can. It's not easy, my check process doesn't work so well with a non-repetitive pattern. At one stage I 'fudged it', but one blue bead spoils the line and glares out at me, so now I make sure I correct every mistake!
I struggled to trace the pattern back to its origin. The picture links back to Instagram which doesn't help much. I came across the name Isabelle Vautier in a comment on a similar pattern, so I looked that up and found a needlework website, but couldn't find this pattern or anything like it. There's a signature on it that looks like Fran:
Thanks Fran, I love the design.


  1. Truly impressive !!! Love the design and your working! 💖💖

  2. Wouldn't that design make a stunning bag!

  3. It’s a beautiful design and I love how it’s working up. Can’t wait to see the finished product!

  4. Very interesting! I wouldn't have thought of beadwork. I imagine that takes a bit of thinking.

  5. Looks like you are doing an amazing job on your first try!!!! :)

  6. Great idea to use crosstitch pattern and its lovely too🦋🌻🦋

  7. This is awesome! Don't worry about that bead, it's just the pointy knee of the lady poking through ;)
