Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Nightgown for Annika

 Jack moved his trip to town forward, so I had to quickly quickly finish the nightie to go inside the pyjama lion for Annika. Serves me right for dithering so long. I found the pattern on the internet, but I confess that I followed such a long trail through link collections that I lost track of who created it. I adapted it a little, lining the bodice, which to me seems much quicker and neater than fiddling with binding edges.


  1. So nice, and lining is better than binding the edges, great for neck I agree way less trouble.

  2. So cute! I would have lined the bodice also. Binding the edges can be so fiddly.

  3. So cute! And looks so comfy for a little person.

  4. Such a sewing maven, you! It is adorable. Perfect. : )

  5. Such a crisp, pretty fabric, too!
