Thursday, May 30, 2024

Two Skeins


I usually spin two bobbins full of wool and then ply them together. But I've decided lately that it might be better to half fill two bobbins, which gives me two skeins and can be completed in an afternoon. For markets, I like to have two matching skeins. Each skein/ball is enough for a woman's sock. If someone wants more than two, they can put in an order. 


  1. What a great idea - instead of one big skein that doesn't necessarily mean both socks will be the same, you get two matching skeins so your socks match, even with the variegated colorway. Your yarn is very pretty.

  2. Splendid idea and love your colourway!

  3. That is a great idea, so that they have enough for a project from the start and not have to play yarn chicken :) I like your colour choice in these!

  4. Thats a good idea and I love your coloured thrread. Hope they sell well
