Thursday, May 23, 2024


 I'm busy with a number of small projects and tasks at the moment. I'm knitting socks for next week's market:

I've sewn 15 jewelry bags but have another 15 to do. I'll make a start today, but I'm not sure I'll get them finished:

Yesterday I prepared cards and envelopes for the craft group ladies to decorate tomorrow. Someone else has a plan to decorate them using paint and balloons, so I don't need to worry about that.

This morning I remembered that I must embroider teddy faces before tomorrow. Luckily, they don't take long, so I've done that:

Tomatoes and grandmother bonnets (bell peppers?) are ripening in Jack's garden at a great pace, so I need to keep on top of processing them.

I'm giving away some of the peppers too. They make a nice gift and that saves me from having to preserve them! I'm reluctant to give away tomatoes though because I put them in the freezer and use them myself. 

Round 11 of the Spring doily is languishing because I need to do the things that have deadlines first. 


  1. I like to have some deadlines myself. It keeps life interesting!

  2. How many hands do you have?! 🤣👋😍

  3. I’m exhausted just reading how much you’ve got to do!!!!

  4. Those peppers look like scotch bonnets - very hot!

    Love the teddy bears.

    You are so multi-talented and hard working!

    1. No, I think they’re called grandmother bonnets because they look like scotch bonnets but are mild. Without the seeds there’s no heat at all and even with seeds they’re innocuous.

  5. You are incredibly hardworking, if only I could do half as much as you do.

  6. I hope you get some time to breathe too with all those projects. :)

  7. Wow!!! Lots of things going on around your place! Looks like you are making great progress keeping up too!! :)
