Monday, June 3, 2024



I did say my waffle square was experimental.  My original plan was to use the three balls of blue/grey cotton, but that would make a very oddly sized square. So I've decided to turn it into a stash buster project and use up oddments until it's big enough for a lap blanket. I've used two balls of the blue and kept the other one to use near the edge, to tie it all together. 

I had a good market morning on Saturday. I sold the balls of wool shown in the previous post, as well as another. I sold all the fingerless gloves and have orders for two more pairs. A pair of socks went, and two puppets. There was interest in cowls, but the preference was for longer ones. I have an order for a longer, lacy cowl. The produce side of the table did well too - I sold fresh bell peppers and bottled ones, as well as marmalade and honey. Now I must get on with orders and restocking. 


  1. Fantastic!! :)
    Sounds like an awesome market day!!!

  2. You’ll not have any time for mischief for a while, Jane!!!!

  3. There's a lot that's fallen on your lap, besides the lap blanket! Wonderful ❤️

  4. I'm glad Saturday was successful.

  5. Oh nice! You will have a lovely blanket!
