Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Curtain Is Up

I've hung my bathroom curtain. Of course, in real life the different colours of the cloth flowers show up. I rather think it needs some tatted butterflies. I thought I had some suitable ones in my stash, but I can't find them. I remember dithering about giving them away, can't remember what my decision was! An excuse to tat some more perhaps.


  1. That is really nice! I may have to try that. Something like that could work in the kitchen, too.

  2. Very pretty! I think the addition of butterflies would be wonderful!

  3. Those are the best curtains I have ever seen!!! :)

  4. Very pretty. Yes, a few butterflies would be a nice addition.

  5. I love you shower curtin and I misplace tatting all the timeπŸ’πŸŒΈπŸ’

  6. I have a practical question to this pretty embellishment - would it be easy to clean/wipe down & wash the curtains? Will there be any risk of bacteria & germs getting cozy in there, since it's a bath curtain?

    1. It’s only a curtain in the window of the bathroom, it shouldn’t need a great deal of washing. My plan was that the flowers are easily removed and replaced because they’re just attached with a button. My clothes with tatting wash fine, so the curtain should too.

  7. Replies
    1. :) no, but I’m happy for anyone else to make their own version!

  8. Love your curtains, they look wonderful
    I have to do a pair of curtains for my new bathroom, the material has been waiting for a few months, now I am in isolation for three months they might get done.
