Monday, March 11, 2019

Back To The Needles

I thought I was set to sew the pieces of my cardigan together, but when I pinned it out to block it, I realised that the back was significantly shorter than the fronts! I must've been overoptimistic in my measuring. I've undone the shoulder shaping and will work another 12 rows before redoing them. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to show the finished cardigan.


  1. It's such a lovely colour, zI will be looking forward to seeing it.

  2. I know you'll get it done :-D
    I'm sick of my knitting and having shuttle withdrawal symptoms! On the verge of shuffling off the knitting to next season :-/

  3. Replies
    1. Got over that mental hump and am continuing with k/p instead of fhs/shs 😆

  4. What a shame hope you can get them to match, lovely colour

  5. I've never knit an adult sized sweater, but I imagine that's a lot of work! I do love that green, and I can hardly wait to see the finished sweater.
