Friday, October 5, 2018

Tumbling Blocks

I like the tumbling blocks pattern. I like the optical illusion of three-dimensional shapes when it's really only two-dimensional. I've tatted a version, using Jane Eborall's diamond pattern, and worked it in beaded knitting. So when I saw a scarf that creates tumbling blocks using knit and purl stitches on Pinterest, I saved it. I had a couple of balls of cotton/silk left over from my gilet, so I followed a series of links and downloaded the pattern. You can follow the trail from here. The Papyrus yarn is good for the task because it shows up stitches well. Oh, and I really like that the fabric is the same on both sides - I think a scarf should be reversible.


  1. What a beautiful evolution! The beaded knitting is so wonderful and it looks deliciously warm. (We're heading to winter here, can you tell?)

  2. I like this pattern Jane, your tatting pattern is a good match!

  3. How wonderful to see them in different threadcrafts !
    Very skillfully done :-)

  4. Wow I am speechless your work is incredible your talent is fantastic!

  5. It's so effective, you find wonderful patterns on Pinterest!
