Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Front

I've almost finished knitting the yarn I unravelled from the failed cardigan. That will be a milestone.


  1. I'm amazed at how quickly you've knit up the unraveled yarn! I just remembered that my mom used to knit the arms first as her gauge swatch. I think she also knit that way so that she finished her least favorite part first. ;-)

  2. Now it I could just catch your momentum and apply it to my tatting I would have something to show!! :)
    Actually I have wanted to tat and planned to tat, but life is invading my space at the moment!!

  3. I love that feeling. The one when you've had a miserable experience and you undone your work (for me usually knitting) and then you reuse or repurpose and get to the point where it's "virgin" thread/yarn. It's so rewarding! Hooray for you!

  4. Oh My Dear you have far more patience than I. I think knitting is my least favorite for exactly these reasons of having to un-knit and re-knit. Your work is beautiful.
