Saturday, May 24, 2014

Round 11 and a Recap

I've finished round 11 of the Spring Doily.

I promised Ann I'd show the articles I entered for the competition, for which I showed the trophies yesterday.
This is Jane Eborall's Flowery SCMR bookmark, with a slight adaptation from Susie. It received 2nd place.
This is Roses and Vine bookmark, designed by Paula Gero, which won a first place and the little jug trophy.
This is a shopping bag in Tunisian crochet, which I made up as I went along, though I used a cross stitch flower pattern from the internet.  I was pleased that it won the trophy because there was more competition in this section than in the tatting.
My Schwalm embroidery came 2nd in the beginner section. It won't go forward to the national competition as the other articles will. There is a big VLV conference in Upington in August when work from all over South Africa will be judged.


  1. It's all wonderful, those bookmarks are so pretty! So you don't get to use your bag yet? - if it's moving Onward and Upward - good luck with the next stage of competition.

    1. Thanks Maureen, yes, it has gone forward so I can't use it yet.

  2. All beautiful entries but I do like your bag, well done!

  3. How lovely that your bag has gone onto the next stage, all the entries are lovely and well worth a prize.

  4. Thank you for the pictures Jane. All your items are so attractive. Special congratulations for your lovely bag as it had more competition in its class.

    Loved your cream cardigan too. Your always amaze me with the volume of items you produce. I'm sure you never sleep!!!

  5. Thanks too for the doily photograph. I'm on round seven at the moment.

  6. Congrats on your awards! The entries are beautiful, and I'm especially drawn to your Schwalm work. It's gorgeous.

  7. Nearly there on your doily, you will be so pleased when it is finished. I'm also on the last round of my second one but doing it very slowly getting distracted by other projects.

  8. All your work looks superb. You are very inspired. Love the embroidery!

  9. The doily is just lovely. The bookmarks and the bag deserved to win. Well done.

  10. Wow you did so well and happy to see this all at once Congratulations !

  11. I'm quite impressed with your Tunisian crochet bag - complete with zipper! I've never tried Tunisian crochet, and I see via youtube that you can do color changes by following a chart, similar to knitting. I'm glad the judges realized how skillfully it is constructed, in addition to the perfect stitching! Also, an interesting concept in prizes! ( Love the elephant!) How nice you get to keep them for at least a year - but I guess you could win again! You're certainly busy with all your hobbies! The doily is also amazing in those colors!
