Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Helix Hat


I was meandering through Pinterest and came across this post and pattern for a hat using a new to me knitting technique. Say you're using four colours. Knit a quarter of the stitches in each colour and then on the next round, knit the first section in the same colour as the last section of the previous round. This shifts all the colours over one and results in a stripey hat without having all the colour changes in one spot. Of course, it should be done in solid colours to show properly. I just wanted to try the technique using yarn I had on hand. I like the way the colours have come out, but it's not obviously in narrow stripes. I'll make another one using solid colours. The top was a bit tricky, with four needles and four yarns, but I'm sure it would get easier with practice. The article shows how the top is a really interesting helix pattern. 


  1. Interesting technique, Wish I had time to try.

  2. Pleasing colourway, but I agree that the design will show up better in solid colours. Waiting eagerly to see which colours you choose. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š

  3. Interesting pattern not heard of that way, looks beautiful
