Thursday, February 28, 2019

Flowers Uncharted

I loved this flowery bracelet by Zeynep Atalay when I saw it on Pinterest.  The pattern, like others I've seen recently, doesn't have a chart. It just has a photo of the bead sequence. It's a short sequence, so I made my own chart:
Why do I need a chart? In theory I could just crochet round and round, without looking at a chart. But, as when I'm doing cross stitch or even lace knitting, I like to work a row in relation to the previous row. So I mutter as I go, red on white, two white on red........ That makes sure everything is ship shape. Of course, you first need to know how many beads there are on each row - six was not correct!

I struggled with the invisible join on this one. The more colours there are in a pattern, the easier it is to keep track. With only red and white, I failed. It would be really important to get it right for the join to be invisible on such a simple pattern. Eventually I put beads and a loop fastening on instead.


  1. You are one smart cookie 😀 🌹
    And the bead / loop fastening is so cute 💗

  2. I find it's much easier to keep track of what I'm doing when using a chart. That's a clever solution for your invisible join!

  3. I would need the chart too. It's beautiful 🌸
