Monday, August 6, 2018

Skirting The Issue

Or not. I've finished embroidering a border on my pencil skirt. I took a deep breath before I ironed it on the wrong side, but nothing alarming happened! I think the skirt looks a lot more interesting now and I've learnt several things that I can apply when I embroider a glasses case.

PS my sister-in-law tells me it doesn't matter that my blog says not secure, seeing as I am not collecting money nor personal information. She sent me this link to read. The blogger part, where I write blogs and have comments etc says that it is secure, so that's alright, Best Beloved.


  1. Wow! It really jazzes the skirt up and took it from a. Ice skirt to something wonderful!

  2. The skirt is absolutely lovely! Really elegant....

  3. From plain to super beautiful!!! :)

  4. The embroidery has taken that skirt to a whole new level. Instead of a 'nice new skirt,' suddenly it's a very BEAUTIFUL new skirt.

  5. Skirt looks great. Interesting about the blog not 'being secure' when it is really.

  6. Ooo, so pretty ! Isn't it satisfying when our learning path results in tangible beautiful off-shoots 🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿

  7. I almost want to make a skirt so that I can add embroidery at the hem! Almost...

  8. Beautiful edging to liven up a plain skirt, a skirt that is unique to you
