Friday, June 21, 2013

Ravelry to the Rescue

I've been meaning for a while to make another pair of my favourite socks. I made this pair in handspun cotton using a pattern in Interweave Knits magazine. I don't have the magazine here, but they'll be easy to copy. Won't they? I vaguely remember how I made them.
My first attempt was a skew whiff disaster! So I logged into Ravelry and typed 'lace edging' into the pattern search box. It came up with 209 pages of thumbnail sketches of patterns! Luckily I found the answer on the first page, Lace Edged Fern Scarf by Judy Lamb. I ignored the fern part of the pattern and just copied down the lace edging. With 8 rows, it's perfect for my socks.
The pink thread is a provisional cast on. When I've knitted enough for the leg of the sock, I'll take out the pink thread and graft the last row to the first to make a tube. Then pick up stitches at the bottom to knit the foot part of the sock. I hope that will all be straight forward, but if not I'll find a pattern on Ravelry. It's a wonderful resource for knitters and crocheters.


  1. Have you tried a Google Images search for the socks? Upload the URL of the picture into the Images search engine, and with a bit of luck someone may have a link to the issue of the magazine where the pattern is to be found.
    I've just about given up doing heels with the flap - short rows, as in this design, are so much easier and there are not annoying holes to be dealt with!

  2. Thanks for the tip. I've been wondering whether to do a heel flap or re-remember how to do the heel as in the original.
