Monday, July 1, 2024

Left Overs


I had two grey skeins left over from the cowl. Last week I thought I'd use them to whip up a couple of pairs of fingerless gloves before I worked on the order for gloves. Mmm.  They took much longer than I expected, even though I used a pattern I'm familiar with, Nalu by Sparrowhawk. Now the deadline for the order is looming and I still haven't finished the wrist warmers. I've avoided wristlets until now, but a number of people have told me how marvelous they are, so I thought I'd give them a go. I also need to make more jewelry bags and tatted lavender, so I had better go and get on with it. 


  1. I do like that pattern! Wrist warmers were very popular with the kids and staff members at school a couple of years ago. I will wear mine when it is bitterly cold out.

  2. You are so busy!! :) Great work!! :)

  3. Those are lovely. I like mine too, cold hands are not very useful.
