Monday, July 22, 2024

Getting Through My To-do List


 The tatted lavender is parcelled up, ready for delivery. This is the second half of the order.

Yesterday, I made a small batch of piccalilli, using another cauliflower from the garden:

The bottles still need to be labelled.

I started knitting socks for an order at the knit'n'natter session on Friday. I made progress on sock 1 yesterday evening, but it's still a WIP:

This morning I'm working on the next batch of 30 jewelry bags, after a week off.

Next on the to-do list are orders for a teacosy and a peg bag. I do like the variety! 


  1. Definitely a variety of activities! Am reminded of your beaded crochet work, too - been a while I think?

    1. Yes, all these orders have deadlines, so there are several crafts that I just don’t get to at the moment.
