Thursday, June 27, 2024

Comfort Zones


Say the word 'decoupage' and I run a mile. But eventually I was going to find myself sticking pieces of paper napkin to a bottle or box. Yesterday was it. This is the project for tomorrow's craft group meeting. It's not my project, but I got to make the sample. The idea will be to put a tea candle inside the bottle.

I'd much rather be filling bottles with piccalilli! Jack has cauliflowers in the garden, so it's piccalilli time again.

For once, I measured the spices and used exactly what the River Cottage recipe calls for. I think I got a better colour than usual. I'm too heavy handed with the darker spices, when I use my guesstimation method. 


  1. Yum! I've never tried making piccalilli. Dave hasn't brought any cauliflower in from the garden, but we have had some delicious broccoli.

  2. I've been meaning to try my hand at decoupage for ages! Time to make my own pickle, too, but no garden veggies, LOL
