Monday, April 15, 2024

Weather Chart


Last week I had a message from another of the teachers I did a project for last year, asking if I could paint characters onto wooden spoons for her to use as story props. Mmm, no. I explained that I'm a fibre person, who can sew and knit and tat, but that I avoid paint and glue if at all possible! So she sent me pictures of a weather chart and a Three Billy Goats Gruff storyboard to do in felt instead. Here's the weather chart. The green bit is a pocket to put the unused symbols in, the children will choose the appropriate ones for the weather on the day. Teacher has a song to go with it. 


  1. Wonderful!!! And so much more durable in little hands.

  2. Wonderful! I'm afraid my weather pieces would not look like anything they're supposed to be.

    1. The weather ones are easy but I’m struggling with goats and troll!

  3. Fun and useful, you've done a great job.
