Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Yup, A Mistake


You know that feeling when you think you've made a mistake but aren't absolutely sure? And continue until it's obvious that you did, indeed, make a mistake. I'm knitting Alder Fingerless Mitts by Agnes Zombory. The pattern is very clearly written, but complicated. To make things easier for myself, I've been marking the pattern as I go:

There was quite a gap between knitting the first and second mitts and I couldn't remember - did I mark the original sequence, or only the repeats? Turns out I chose the wrong option, but it was difficult to be sure of that until I got right to the top. I could have undone the second mitt just to the start of the thumb gusset, but in the end decided to just start afresh. At least knitting is easy to unravel! 


  1. I often have misplaced confidence in my memory 🤣 The pattern is beautiful as is your knitting 💛

  2. Very unique texturing in those! Looks like you are doing great!! :) Sorry you had to start over.
    Make sure to write what you marked so if you knit them again you know for sure. ;)

  3. ah yes....trying to be diligent and clever and only being befuddled! I know the feeling well....very well!!
