Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Mammoth Task


Woolly mammoth perhaps. There was an appeal on a local Facebook group from someone looking for a sewist who could work with felt. Yes, sure. I said, I work with felt. So Tash brought it around. It's a mat the size of my 8-seater diningroom table, intended for her son to put his dinosaur collection on. Tash had cut out all the motifs, and wants me to sew around them. Right. I separated it into sections and began yesterday with the bottom bit. It went surprisingly well and didn't take long.

The green section is a different story, mainly because the felt is very stiff. I struggle to turn the felt and fit it into my sewing machine, even using my daughter's tip of rolling up the sides.

I have sewn the leaves.

Now for the trunks. I had originally thought I'd sew around the trunks, but that's going to be very difficult. Instead, I think I'll do a wide zig zag, so I can sew each one in one pass. I sewed a sample and showed it to Tash.

I had better get back to it. It's a change from sewing bags - I do like the variety! 


  1. Oh this is almost an artistic project! It already looks lovely and will come to life when dinosaurs inhabit it!

  2. That will make a great play mat! You did a really good job with it!

  3. It looks fantastic! I sure hope you will be compensated for all the work! ;) :)
