Saturday, October 21, 2023

Tatting Lesson


I took my shuttles to the knit and natter session yesterday because Maria wants to learn to tat. She learnt beaded crochet rope in a flash and a blur, but tatting is a bit more tricky. Especially as she is left handed and I am right handed. I showed her briefly last week and then she looked on the internet, but didn't find a tutorial that helped. I showed her again yesterday, starting with two colours so that it's easy to see how the flip works. Maria did see that, and feel it,  so now she knows what she's aiming for and I'm sure she'll soon get the hang of it. Slightly disturbing was that she discovered a way of tatting a ring with direct (unflipped) stitches! I said I thought she'd be better in the long run to learn the correct way to tat a ring, even if her version did move. 


  1. It's nice to share the tatting knowledge. I hope she keeps it up.

  2. Very interesting! Was she tatting the ring with the same single thread? Reverse Ring (and Turkish tatting) is worked with unflipped stitches but the core thread is different.
    I have links to several left-hand tatting tutorials/sites/videos in my Tatting Resources page in case .... 💕

    1. Yes, she was using a single thread. Ok, if she’s stuck for tutorials I’ll get back to you, thanks.

  3. Sounds like a good start to her life in Tat Land. Tell her ‘well done’.

  4. sounds like a very good start with tatting

  5. When I first started tatting I tatted wrong, but it looked "right", but backward. But when I finally got the flip I started getting it right. ;)

    1. That’s interesting. Stephanie W said the same.

  6. It's a dance celebrating a student's creativity and cleverness. I've found success all around if I challenge the student to master both techniques. I've even gotten a student to "teach" me their way.
    A teacher I had for just 1 year always ended the lesson telling me what she learned from me that day. That taught me a lot!!

  7. Oh, sounds like your tatting student will learn very quickly! I made the very same kind of "unflipped" ring my first time.
