Thursday, November 7, 2019

Using The Beads

Of course I must start using my new beads straight away! It's not practical to deal with one pound packets of seeds continually. So I scratched around in bathroom and kitchen for empty containers and poured a small amount of beads into each. I taped a single bead to each lid to show which colour is where:
And started crocheting:


  1. Jolly good idea!!! I've put my beads in transparent containers & place them upside down since lid is opaque ;-P

  2. I do the lid thing too, and that necklace is fantastic!

  3. Hi Jane. What technique do you use to load all the beads on your thread? Just wondering.

    1. I have a beading needle with a loop of thread that I put the crochet thread through. I have the different colours in jar lids, pick up according to the chart and push them along onto the crochet thread. Does that make sense?

    2. So do you have to thread all the beads for a project before you begin to crochet?

    3. No, not at all. Joining in a new thread is easy, so I just thread a short section at a time.

  4. Clever to find good containers. Welcome to the Repurpose Club!

    1. Oh I’m a long term member of the repurpose club!

  5. This rope looks great, such bright colors.

  6. I tend to re use containers that come with salad and chinese foods as they have lids that fit, to keep a lot of my beads and flowers etc in. with a good wash they make good conainers
