Monday, July 22, 2019


When I went to buy more fabric for bag linings, the shop assistant suggested I look at the remnants table. She found a bundle of fabric pieces for me, at a much lower price than buying  off the roll.Thanks very much! This kind of fabric is called Shweshwe. It has an interesting history. There's a short version here and a longer account of the history and present use of the fabric here.  My fabric does have the correct logo on the back, according to the articles:


  1. Lovely bundle -- the fabrics remind me of peacocks💙💚💛💜

  2. Huh, no wonder!!! There's an India connect 💙 Indigo dyes, peacocks, block printing.... very Indian. Thanks for the link 💗

  3. What an interesting history! I remember Tootal from my childhood and. I loved the birds made from the shweshwe fabric. Will you leave it as it comes, to make the linings?or will it need to be washed first?

    1. I use it as is, though I probably should wash it first. I like the stiffness it gives the bag.

  4. I have done some indigo fabric studies before and what fun to read more and I love how fabrics and patterns have woven into cultures. You are blessed to have the three cats, what fun maybe instead of a lining it should be the outer piece 😁

  5. I just finished the short article. Thank you for sharing the link! If I didn't have so much fabric on hand that I need to use up, I'd sure be tempted to try and buy some!

  6. I had immediately left another comment on reading the short article but looks like it got eaten up ;-P So in short ...just to say that no wonder I was reminded of peacocks - there's a clear India connect :-)

    1. Absolutely. I love the story of how different influences came into play.

  7. That’s interesting, Jane. Love your bundle too. That will make your brain work on new ideas!!!

  8. What lovely fabrics and such interesting history too. I always appreciate it when you give us links to things. I can’t wait to see what you make with this gorgeous fabric.

  9. I am sure they will be fabulous when you get done with them!! :)

  10. What a great remnants find an interesting history too. Can't wait to see your bags.
