Friday, February 26, 2016

The Other Sock

I knitted most of the first sock in one hit while watching cricket. The second one took a bit longer. I knitted it in dribs and drabs on trips to town. But it's done now. I used a three-needle cast off instead of grafting the last stitches. It looks fine, but is a bit bulky.


  1. You've inspired me... I picked up some sock yarn with a gift card I received for Christmas... only enough for two pair, but I need to get back in to the swing of things!

  2. The projects are getting ticked off the list so rapidly :-))

  3. Most people just lose a sock in the wash, yours just comes along when it has time! :)
    Great socks!! :)

  4. Lovely pair of socks, love the colour

  5. I've never seen a cricket game, but to watch and knit socks, you are amazing. Sometimes you need a bulky sock.
