Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Equipment Failure

Oops, my circular needle has broken. I think that the magic loop knitting puts extra strain on the needles that they weren't designed for. Luckily I have another needle in the same size:


  1. Oh, no! I've had that happen and I had no idea how to replace the needles and still having the magic loop. Luckily, it happened within the first couple of rounds, so I just started over. I'm glad you know what to do!

  2. Oh man! That would be frustrating!! I am so glad you have another needle to use!! :)

  3. I didn't know circular needles could come apart. Good thing you have a spare so you can continue your project.

  4. I've never had that happen, glad you had a spare.

  5. There is a brand of circular needle you can buy which is completely unkinkable - Kollage square needles. I think they would stand up to Magic Looping, but I didn't feel comfortable with them.

  6. Oh dear, they don't last forever, it's a nuisance glad you had another one to keep going
