Monday, April 6, 2015

Tasty Tatting

The other day, I opened my cutlery drawer and saw a mouse. Jack says I should've stabbed it with a knife, but what I actually did was to shriek and close the drawer. There's not much to eat in a cutlery drawer. I didn't think there was much to eat in the linen drawer below it either. But when I opened that drawer yesterday to get a clean tea towel, I discovered that said mouse had been munching on the tatted edging of my food cover: 
How annoying is that? I made the food cover seven years ago. I dyed the thread myself, but never imagined it was attractive to mice.

Three of the ducklings have been coming back now and then to get food, so that's good.


  1. oh no!!! - that is terrible, your beautiful foodcover....I hope the mouse is an ex-mouse now.

  2. Well, we've put some poison out for him. I hope he'll find it attractive.

  3. I'd have screamed, but I'm not sure I'd have the presence of mind to close the drawer! Isn't it amazing how a tiny creature like a mouse can evoke terror? I'm so sorry he nibbled on your edging. That would infuriate me!

  4. Probably smelled food on your cover- he ate the tatting because he's hungry...

    1. There's really no shortage of food, indoors and out, so the tatting still seems an odd choice to me.

    2. You are right! But remember, I am used to looking out at weather so crazy cold this winter that I don't know how our wildlife survived! I forget there is other weather afoot elsewhere.

    3. Ah. Here we're in Autumn and there's food aplenty. So it's just being wicked.

  5. Oh no! All that beautiful work to become dinner for a mouse?? Interesting how we thought tatting was just for decoration. Hope you can fix it! :)

    1. Aaaarrrrgh ! What horrors !
      Although rats n mice eat anything organic, I would've thought food would be their first preference?
      Looks like your tatting is irresistible even to vermin .... An endorsement you may not care for ;-P

      Maybe it was reminding you to join Jane's exclusive club with a bauble mouse , thus immortalising it ?!

    2. You do make me laugh Muskaan. I should take it as a compliment perhaps?

    3. Oh yes ! You know me -- I sometimes try my hand at a little humour ;-P
      But as Susan says, the little mouse has Good Taste !

  6. Maybe the mouse was nesting and needed beautiful things for the nest :) chewing them up is a little extreme though.

  7. Oh, what a shame. Mousie obviously has good taste.

  8. Ugg! Opening a drawer with a mouse is not pleasant! I've been having trouble with them, too. I thought we had got most of them but heard another one yesterday. Good luck catching the critters soon!

  9. This whole discussion is freaking me out! I won't go into my 'mouse' story - or especially the 'squirrel' one. I am still traumatized, even though these incidents were many years ago. So sorry about the tatting!

    Through blog comments on a recent post in your blog (about invisible thread) I have discovered Susan Hook (from England) and her amazing embroidery, tatting, knitting, and card-making skills. (England seems to be a 'hotbed' for card makers, as there is now a TV 'shopping' show coming from England and now being broadcast in the US, which features a lot of card-making supplies!) And It's amazing how far Susan has come as a tatter in just a few years!
