Saturday, November 25, 2023



I've been sewing bags again - the jeweler is expecting a surge in sales before Christmas. As before, I sewed the bags in two batches. I decided to see how much time each stage of the procedure took for 15 bags. It looks like this - 1 hour to cut and hem; 30 minutes to sew and neaten the seams; 30  minutes to cut threads, turn the bags and press them; just over an hour to thread the ribbons in. So if I have a spare half hour, I know it's enough to sew seams, but not enough to thread all the ribbons! 


  1. That’s the sort of thing I do too, Jane!!!! Good use of time is essential when doing things like that.

  2. You're doing a very diligent job. I don't like to time my work... it always takes longer than expected.

  3. Wow! You sure are busy!!! I hope you have some time to enjoy your tatting, or just rest!!! ;)

  4. I dont think I have timed myself to do a job, at least you will be able to work your time out to get the whole job finished

  5. I hate to time myself, especially as I rarely get uninterrupted time to work now. But this helps when trying to cost items.
