Saturday, August 26, 2023



I was given a bunch of fabric pieces and a pattern to make Pierrot dolls, for the  craft group. The donor asked that one doll be returned to her. Step one was to make a sample. Well, after many hours and much fiddling, I can safely say that it's not a project that is suitable for the craft group. Even without the nine pom poms the doll is meant to sport. We're grateful for all the donations we're given, but sometimes they're just not appropriate. 


  1. That looks like it would be a very time consuming project!

  2. Yeah, that happens sometimes. And nine pom poms is a bit much...

  3. I am sure the person who gave the donation wanted to help but its a pity it would be too hard for your group, perhaps you can think of something else to make with the fabric.
