Tuesday, August 29, 2023

This Is Where I Came In

 Two years ago, I was asked by a trainee teacher to make puppets for a story telling project. Following that, I started making my bath puppets that have been so successful! Last week I was contacted by two more would-be teachers. One of them also wants puppets, specific ones to illustrate her story. The other one wanted a monkey puppet and a story board with felt animals that would stick to the board. She needed hers promptly, so I made it over the weekend. Luckily I already had a monkey puppet in stock.

It was quite good fun to create. I'm hopeless at drawing, so I looked online for a cartoon version of each animal and then printed it out to use as a pattern. Of course, even I can manage a snake and a spider! 

PS My photo resizer stopped working, so I downloaded another one. I haven't altogether got the hang of it and haven't been able to put my name on the photos. I'll get there eventually. 


  1. What fun! My sisters and I loved playing with puppets when we were kids.

  2. Now the puppets have a scene to roam into, that sounds like a fun class!

  3. That looks fantastic!!! :) What fun!!

  4. These are wonderful and I can imagine the fun factor! I think it is great of teachers to take that extra bit of effort to make learning playful and enjoyable. ♥️

  5. You have been busy, Jane. Love the felt idea. I had felt critters in my classroom once and the tinies loved them.
