Monday, June 5, 2023

Feedback And Working On A Pattern

The craft group really enjoyed making snap bags on Friday and they turned out well:

The lumpy ones have sweets in them - it was a good way to carry home the sweets that have been donated to the group. 

On Saturday I went to a morning market. It was a gloriously sunny morning - too sunny for selling knitwear! I did sell a hooded towel, two bath puppets and some pickles, so the morning was definitely worthwhile. I was a bit disappointed not to sell any wool, but there you go, another time I will sell more than I expect to. 

This morning I've been typing out the pattern for the flame lily I tatted. I scribbled figures on a scrap of paper, but that is going to get lost, so I thought I'd put the pattern on here. Of course it is taking longer than I bargained for. And while I wrote down instructions for the petals, I didn't write down how I tatted the stamens. I will have to work it out again. Which just goes to show the importance of writing it all down! 


  1. Your snap bags are so cute! I love the little tabs. I have a snap bag that Barbara Gordon made for Tollway Tatters members years ago. It's so handy! I know my mom used to make them as well. However, I have yet to try making one.

  2. Great snap bags!! :)
    Yes, I am sure the treats were a great "filling"!! :D

  3. Love the snap bags. ♥️ Pattern writing is never easy but so worth it when somebody tats it 😍
