Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Corlie kindly did some research for me and ascertained that the straight stitch on the bookmark I'm copying is Double Faggot Stitch. Right. I found a diagram here to help me and gave it a go. It's quite tricky because it's worked from the back. Little boxes on the back of the work make diagonal straight stitches on the front.

I can't find much detail about this stitch and am a bit baffled about how to join in a new thread and how to turn a corner. Even starting is off is tricky because of working from the back. Hmm, I may go back to crocheting for a while!


  1. It's looking good! - so I would keep on sewing instinctively and not worry too much about the technicalities.

  2. Wow ! Your working seems great, despite the minute trickery.

  3. Wish I could help, but I can admire... wow!

  4. Your work is wonderful but the thought of harbinger...instant hives!

  5. such a pleasant sight of neat and delicate work

  6. Your work is very neat and the stitches beautifully done. The bookmark is going to be a pretty one!
