Saturday, June 22, 2024



A friend asked me what I was doing. "Sewing an applique picture of the Taj Mahal". I bet she didn't expect that answer! This is another project for the teacher I did the weather chart and three billy goats gruff for. She's making a display to show iconic images of India. I can't draw for toffee, but I found a tutorial via Pinterest that shows how to draw the Taj Mahal using a grid, so simple that even I could do it. I used a water soluble pen to draw the windows and doors so that I could stitch them. I did a sample and it worked perfectly. On the final picture it turned out to be more difficult to get rid of the blue ink. I eventually had to really wet the picture and be thankful the day was sunny and it dried quickly.


  1. It looks wonderful, and I am sure it will be gorgeous when you have finished it

  2. That's quite an undertaking! I can't draw, either. I never would have thought of looking on Pinterest for a tutorial. Well done!

  3. Very effective because at first glance I recognised it as the Taj Mahal!

  4. You certainly get to do some varied projects :)
