Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Yarn Barf

 I get a newsletter every day from a site called Knitting Paradise. That's where I learnt the term 'yarn barf'. It's when you pull the yarn from the centre of a ball and a tangled mess spews out. Like this:

I  met a lady called Judy at the last market, who asked me if I could knit the socks she gave up on. Sure, I said, I like knitting socks. So I'm using her yarn, pattern and needles to knit her a pair of socks. I would usually knit from the outside of the ball, but Judy had already started from the centre, unravelled her work and wound the yarn around the ball, so that wasn't an option. The thread on Knitting Paradise also offered some solutions. The one I took on board was to gently shake the tangle. I didn't sort it all out in one go. I'd free enough working yarn for a round or two, knit it, and then go back to the mess. Eventually, I got there:

Some writers on KP said that they enjoy sorting out yarn tangles! To me, it's a waste of sock knitting time. 


  1. The yarn is lovely, as is your knitting. I have heard of yarn barf before, but Mom and I always say our skein of yarn has given birth. Some yarn babies are very small and some are astoundingly large!

  2. I'm sure the socks will be great when you are done with them!! :)
    I am kind of weird too, I don't mind untangling necklace chains. ;)

  3. It's nice that you didn't give up on the socks because of the yarn barf. Though this is the first time I hear about anyone enjoying untangling yarn.
