Monday, January 22, 2024

More Velvet


A friend of mine kindly looked through her stash and found some velvet fabric for me.  The black I was using over the weekend is very soft and slippery. I did know from reading Sew So Easy that the term velvet refers to a kind of weave, not a fibre, so velvet can be made from anything. But I wasn't prepared for the difference between the two kinds of velvet! Eventually I realised that it was quicker to baste/tack the velvet to the lining rather that using pins and having to redo the seams. Onward, onward, I still have 17 bags to sew by the end of the week. 


  1. I once made a dress for a lady out of velvet. It was a total nightmare. Placing the pattern on the fabric took me days as there was only just enough and I obviously had to check the nap ran the right way throughout. I’ve never touched velvet since!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    1. Thanks. I might not ever touch velvet again after this lot too!

  2. Learned something new again, about velvet! Turbo speed to you.
