Friday, August 6, 2021


 The market on Sunday has been canceled, which is a big disappointment for vendors and the organisers. For me personally though, the news is not all bad because the shop that took towels on commission has sold two! I took two more to the shop yesterday to replace them, a hippo and a blue dinosaur. 


  1. Glad you’ve got an outlet for the towels, Jane. They all appear to be developing their own characteristics and personalities.

  2. Well done on the sales, pity about the market, but at least you have sold two, these look really cute

  3. I'm sorry your market has been cancelled, but I am glad that you have a place where your adorable towels will sell.

  4. It's the age of multiple platforms and fora ;-D Good for you ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’

  5. Sorry the market was cancelled, but thankful that you are still able to sell some!!! :)
