Thursday, April 8, 2021


 I delivered the first four shirts yesterday. The lady who ordered them was delighted. I hope her staff are too. I'm working on the next one, which has much the same dimensions as the last one, except that it's 30 cm (a foot!) longer. Either the man is very tall or he likes his shirts long. Or both perhaps. 

I've made a start on round 12. Little cats with whiskers. Or bilbies perhaps with ears so large. 

We had our first covid vaccinations this morning. Have to go back in 28 days for the second one. 


  1. Beautiful, looking a lovely doily,
    Well done on the shirts,
    Hope you have no problems with your jab

  2. Beautiful start on that next row!!! :)
    I still have about half of row 11 to finish. ;)

  3. You are filling both shoes beautifully - mactats and macsews 😍 Which vaccination is being used there?

  4. I'm so happy that the shirts are appreciated and fit the bill. I'm taking today off after my first vaccine jab. I'm glad we're both on the way to a healthier 2021.

  5. Glad the shirts were a success! Hmm, i have a wacky theory about the long shirt... You know there was (maybe still is) the trend for women to wear their husband's or boyfriend's shirt as a dress. This one could become the dress directly :) Of course, i'm only joking.

  6. Your doily is coming along, I get my first jab on Tuesday.

  7. My brother has a long torso and needs his shirt tails longer or they don't stay tucked in. Glad you got vaccinated.
