Thursday, September 18, 2014

Not Even

I'm using my drum carder again, not to even out one colour as I did last time but to mix three colours. After dyeing yellow, orange and brown, I divided the colours into 8 piles.
I didn't do it very precisely. I just don't want to get near the end and find I've used up all the yellow. I carded each pile twice.
I hope I haven't muddled the colours too much. Here's how it looks spun:
I'm now spinning a bobbin of natural. Then I'll ply the three together. I'm not sure the yarn is going to look exactly how I visualised, but it's a one-off project, so it doesn't matter too much.


  1. It's so magical! - the colours are very bright in the first picture, and when you have processed the yarn, it all turns into something wonderful and understated. I have no idea how you do it.

  2. Your wool looks a lovely delicate colour!

  3. I love the color, I want to take a nap on the pile :)

  4. So neat to see how you make your yarns!! :)

  5. Thank you very much to show us how you did it, I've never thought that a so delicate colour could come from those bright ones! It's very instructive and since I've read your blog, I can't look a wool sweater without thinking of you! :)

  6. It looks beautifully muted and soft. Looking forward to seeing how it knits up!
