Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Smoothing Miss Caroline's Dress

In yesterday's purple version of Martha Ess's Miss Caroline, the long chains were a  bit muddled. In this version, I made very, very small picots after every 4 ds and joined the long chains together for more stability. Ladytats suggested using double double stitch or lock chains. I had already tried double double stitch, which wasn't a success. Lock stitch worked better:
Jess's Tat-ilicious thread shows the lock chains off well. Now, which of these two versions works best?


  1. They're both charming! I love the Tat-ilicious thread, but overall I think I prefer the pink and white chains running next to each other like pleats.

  2. I do like both as well, but the joined chains to look neater. I wonder if you can't do that with the lock chains as well.... hhmmmmm something to think on.

  3. I prefer the pink one. What a pretty lady!

  4. Well Well Well you've been making Southern Bells, nice job. great pattern I can't decide :)
