Saturday, September 14, 2024

Two Finishes


I'm done with Wiosna 2024, thanks very much Renata for the pattern. I haven't completed the doily, but it's already slightly too big for the space I want it for. I'm glad to have it done, it's been a UFO for a few months while I was busy with other things. One of the ladies in my knit'n'natter group boasts about how many unfinished projects she has, but I like to finish before I move on! 

I finished another project this morning, the knee blanket in waffle stitch:

I stand by my opinion that the yarn colour is not well suited to waffle stitch, but I carried on regardless and it's done. Summer has arrived, so I may need to put it away for a while before I find someone who needs a knee rug, but it was an excellent take along project, so the timing is secondary. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Working On Round 12


 I'm working on  round 12 of this year's Spring doily. This is the last round I plan to do, so I want to push on and get it done. The whole doily has 22 rounds, but I don't need a doily that large and I don't have the time needed to complete it, so I'm stopping early. I'm enjoying the round and think it will finish the doily off fine. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Tomatoes and Strawberries

 I enjoyed my morning at the market, but didn't sell much. All the stallholders I spoke to said the same. Oh well, it's probably a good thing as it gives me more time to do other jobs, like processing the tomatoes and strawberries that are ripening rapidly in the garden.

I cooked the tomatoes up yesterday with onions and celery for the freezer. Today I'm making strawberry jam and strawberry mousse. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024



I sold four puppets on Friday  - hippo, dog, frog and shark. I've made replacements for them, plus two monkeys. That will be fine for Saturday's market. The gift shop down the road has also asked for puppets, so anything that doesn't sell at the market can go there. Or I may need to make more replacements! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Squaring Up

 I was very tempted to tat over the weekend. But I have another order for jewellery bags and I need to prepare for Saturday's market, so I got on with sewing bags instead. 

People who are experienced in using a cutting mat will say, "Duh!" But, new to me,  I discovered that when cutting the strips into bags, I need to make sure the ruler is aligned with the whole grid on the mat, not just the part covered by the fabric. I knew that using a rotary cutter and mat would need practice and experience. I'm not yet up to patchwork standards!