Monday, June 24, 2019

Thumbs Down

I spent hours working on this yesterday before I finally admitted that it just wasn't working. Instead of being a smooth beaded tube showing the pattern off, it's a lumpy mess that distorts the pattern. I think my tension must be off. It's 10 beads in circumference, which is more than I usually use, I think I haven't got the hang of it. So be it. Now to undo it. The crochet unravels in a flash and a blur, but then the beads must be separated into their different colours.


  1. Too bad having to unravel so much work, but don't you feel like a kid when sorting out the beads ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿ™†

  2. I don't mind unraveling, but sorting the beads can be such a bother! I have a box full of beads that needs sorting, and I've been avoiding it for months!

  3. I hate the undo but I do love the beads and color

  4. Looks like it would have been great had it worked out for you!! :)

  5. Ah the life of a craftsperson is never straightforward!!!
