Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Just In Time


My flame lily food cover has taken way longer than I intended, but is now done. Just in time, because I'm going away tomorrow and needed to get it done before I left. 

To do the machine edging, I put red thread on the  top and yellow thread in the bottom bobbin. It worked pretty well, to give me red with just a touch of yellow. 

Of course, the bottom is mainly yellow, with a little bit of red:

I'll be off line for a week or so. Will catch up when I get back.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Making Slow Progress


I'm making slow progress on the flame lilies. I thought I'd be finished by now, but things crop up. I put an extra  yellow stitch at the bottom of the petals on the second flower, which was a mistake, as the petals are now too spread out. I'm sure I can correct it when I sew the flower on. 

I have made progress on the pullover too. I'm up to the armhole level and must start on the sleeves.

Thursday, January 9, 2025



I'm working on flame lilies for a food cover. I never did write my pattern for the flame lily out properly as I planned, but luckily I found my scribbled notes. I've tweaked it a bit, so perhaps it's as well to tat a few more before I type it out. I'm adding leaves this time too. I haven't got them absolutely right yet, though I think these ones will pass muster.  We're back to the retirement home craft group tomorrow, preparation today, so there's less time to tat, but I'll get there.  Real flame lilies are emerging after rain, so there's plenty of inspiration. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Easy Knitting


 I like to have an easy  knitting project on the go, to work on when I'm waiting or chatting, or just have low concentration levels. I thought I'd make Jack another pullover. The one I knitted him a couple of years ago, using a Drops pattern, was very successful. I had a look at using it again, but the yarn I have on hand is too thick for that pattern to work. Luckily, I was rereading Elizabeth Zimmerman's book, Knitting Without Tears and came across a very similar pullover, though it's knitted from the bottom up, rather than top down. It uses Elizabeth's percentage method, so I could just knit a swatch and then work out the figures for this yarn and suitable circular needle. Neat! At the moment I'm just knitting round and round until I get to underarm level. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025



No cream, but the food cover could well be used to keep flies out of a cream jug! The strawberry pattern is Ninetta's, links in the previous post. The butterfly is Jane Eborall's. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

On Ninetta's Diet Again


Ninetta used her Mediterranean Diet pattern as a bookmark, but it's also perfect for a food cover. I used it as such in 2016.  My printed version of Ninetta's diagrams were still in my file, so it was easy enough to begin, after gathering all the colours of thread I'll need. It's a diet that is certainly no hardship to follow!