Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Getting There


My to-do list does still have some items on it,  but I've finished round 10 before the next round is released and I've sewn the jewellery bags. I'll deliver them on Friday. 

Monday, March 24, 2025

Working On Round 10


I'm half way round the tenth round of Renulek's Spring Doily. It's a straight forward round, so I should be able to finish before Thursday, when the next round is released, in spite of having other things to do. I must sew jewellery bags this week and make another batch of melon and ginger jam. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Coming Up Roses


I've been using Victats Roses are Red pattern to tat roses to put on a food net for April's market. I love the pattern. I've used it before for a food net. I'm going to add a leaf to each rose, using muskaan's leaf doodle #2 pattern.  I will (of course!) be adding Jane Eborall's very small butterflies to the net too. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Nearly Done


 I've finished knitting the baby blanket.  Originally, the mum-to-be said she wanted a touch of green in the blanket. I thought I could perhaps do a green edging, so I did a sample with a scrap of green wool. I sent a photo off, but the decision was that it should be left as it is. That's fine. So now,  I just need to sew the ends in and wash and block the blanket. I'm waiting for a warmer, sunnier day before I do that. 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Round 9


I've finished tatting round 9 of the Renulek Spring doily.  I did my usual thing of making a mistake just before the end of the round. I get so excited about finishing that I don't pay enough attention to the joining spot. Luckily the thread is robust and it's possible to open rings and join in the correct place. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Still Knitting


I'm making progress on the baby blanket.  I think I need two more pattern repeats to make it square but I'll check carefully after one repeat. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Round 8


I had to pay attention on round 8 of the Renulek Spring Doily. I made the same stupid mistake twice. Mistakes corrected, it's done now. Here's a closer view: