Monday, October 14, 2024

Angels and Butterflies


We made fabric angels at the retirement home on Friday. I saw several examples on Pinterest and then followed a series of links until I found this tutorial.  It's always fun to see the different versions of a project that emerge. 

I'm still working on Jane Eborall butterflies for my second food cover. I should have enough by the end of the day and be able to start sewing them to the net. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Another Butterfly Net


My friend Grace asked me to make two butterfly food covers. I'm working on the second one. I've done the edging, with machine embroidered leaves and beads. I need to tat a lot more SCMR butterflies. 

I showed a picture of the first net to someone else and she asked me to make her a daisy one. So that's been added to my to-do list. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Market Went Well

 The weather was unseasonably cool on Saturday, but the market was well attended none the less. I was very happy with my sales. I sold the owl tow'l, shown in the previous post, and another towel, which was a big sale. I also sold smaller items  - gloves, puppets, jams, beaded key rings... Oh, and two small Kigelia trees that Jack has grown from seed. I like to buy as well as sell at the market, but definitely finished up in the black this month. 

I wanted some knitting to do while I was at the market, so cast on for socks on Thursday. In truth, I didn't get much knitting done at the market, but it's always a talking point. And I have finished the socks:

Friday, October 4, 2024

Ready For Market


 I've made an owl tow'l as well as some puppets for tomorrow's morning market. I hope the wind will have died down by tomorrow; the weather has been cool and windy, which doesn't encourage people to wander around a market. Oh well, we can't control the weather, so will have to take it as it comes. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ticking Along


I finished last week's tasks and then took the weekend off. I spent all day Monday tatting lavender bunches, while listening to podcasts.  I did five, to complete the order.  Now I'm working on puppets for Saturday's market. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

A Flutter Of Butterflies



I've tatted a flutter of Jane's SCMR  butterflies and am busy sewing them to the food cover. I need to deliver the food cover tomorrow, so I must get on with it. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Of Bags And Butterflies


Once we got going, a lot of fun was had, decorating my cloth bags. The circles with a cross in the middle were done with cotton reels, the rest with bubble wrap and straight painting.  I do like how each one is unique. 

I had planned to tat more butterflies for my food cover after the craft meeting, but I had an urgent request for lavender, so I tatted those instead. I delivered one on Friday afternoon and one on Saturday, and have tatted another three towards the order for 10. Muskaan is right, I need to keep a few in stock.

I now need to sew more jewelry bags. The silversmith has asked for them to be a bit smaller, so I will have to work out the measurements before I start.