Wednesday, March 21, 2018


I think I had 'beginner's luck' with my first crochet top - I saw a picture I liked, found the stitch, did some calculations and off I went. The second one is proving more difficult. I have tried out and unraveled a great many crochet stitches. These three are 'possible'. I decided on the bottom right one and worked a few rows in full,  but it really pulls in and makes the bottom edge look horrible. Mmm, no. I'm going to try the bottom left one in full size this evening. Here's a link to the stitch chart, it's the bottom one. 


  1. All very pretty patterns. You are good doing samples, I usually plough straight in and find its no good in the end. lol

  2. Well, I liked the one you picked maybe more of it would just be a cute ruffle around bottom, but I can see if that is not what you are going for this would be a bit of a problem.

  3. The bottom left is very pretty, hope it works!

  4. Your ability to swatch and then carry out a design is impressive! Like Briony, I usually plough straight in and find it's no good in the end. Those efforts usually end up going to the thrift shop!

    When Dave and I were first married, I could pick up a crochet hook and go. Then I discovered pattern books. Ever since then, I have not been able to wing it and crochet on my own.

  5. I am sure whatever you choose will be wonderful!! :)

  6. You are so smart to do a swatch. I always just started and that rarely was fully satisfied with the result. I trust you will choose wisely.

  7. The few times I tried making a swatch for knitting, turned out not so perfect later ;-P
    My lazy excuse ? Perhaps :-D
